Monday, July 6, 2009

Providence and Problems in Life

When a terrible thing happens, such as finding out you or someone near you has stage four cancer, or when you hear a friend has been killed in an accident or by the murderous act of another - well, these dark times lead to a sense of gasping for air in our hearts and minds. And, throughout history, religious leaders have spoken words to address people in these situations of suffering and pain.

We preachers pick up our Bible and read passages that seem to speak a good word. But, deep down what every one wonders about is: "where is God in this?"

One answer is that nothing happens unless it is God's will that it happen. So, everything has a purpose and a meaning. But, this answer has sounded hollow to me for the past couple of decades. Why was it that Jesus prayed: "Thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven," if God's will was really being done on earth all the time?

I will continue this line of thought in the next post.

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