Thursday, November 24, 2011

Hope Deferred, Desire Fulfilled

In Proverbs, it says:

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life."

Just because a desire is good doesn't mean it will be fulfilled. Just because a desire is bad doesn't mean it won't be fulfilled. We would like for our good desires to find fulfillment, and our bad desires to be frustrated and fade away.

About the most important thing for a human being is to have good desires. And, then to be able to endure the disappointment of not having some of these fulfilled and not get so obsessed with those things that don't come to us that we miss pursuing those good desires that do have a good chance of being realized.

I also think it is very important not to underrate daily life, and the small joys of daily life. The cup of coffee, the good music, the sunrise, the good food, a walk, some time to sit and read and talk with another. Finding fulfillment in the small joys and rhythms of daily life forms a foundation and the necessary life-energy for pursuing deeper desires.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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